Maryland Department of Health Medicaid Management Information Systems (MMIS)
Maryland Department of Health Medicaid Management Information Systems (MMIS)

The State of Maryland Medicaid Program is a unit of the MDH, which has State responsibility for operation of the Medicaid Program authorized under Title XIX of the Social Security Act. The Maryland State Medicaid Program has approximately 1,300,000 enrollees, of which, 1,100,000 are enrolled in managed care organizations. MDH has the primary responsibility for the management of Medicaid’s Medical Care Programs (MCP) for the State of Maryland. Management of MCP is divided into five administrations: OET, Office of Health Services, Office of Planning, Office of Finance and the Office of Eligibility Services. The mission of the MCP is to ensure access to medically necessary and appropriate health care services for Marylanders who cannot afford them. The MCP’s vision is to ensure that all Marylanders have access to quality health care services regardless of their financial status through delivery systems that will be models in the health care industry. The current MMIS system was procured in 1992. It is a legacy system used for the claims processing needs of the State of Maryland utilizing batch operations running on a mainframe processor. Over the years, the MCP has become increasingly complex, with service changes, eligibility changes, and new regulations. New program requirements are difficult to address with the existing MMIS system. Labor-intensive “workarounds” are used to address these changes in the short-term. In addition, like other Medicaid programs, rising costs threaten the MCP’s long-term financial viability, pushing the State to find ways to ensure that the State delivers the maximum value for the cost.
The MITA SS-A will serve as a guide for transforming Maryland’s Medicaid systems and business processes for replacing the MMIS.

The Solution
With this project, Voyatek was tasked with designing, developing and implementing the new system while maintaining all of the current functionality and having little to no impact on functions or users of the existing system.
Voyatek team implemented ELP using Accela an industry-leading Licensing and Permitting solution. A seven-person team from Voyatek managed all aspects of the project from Requirements Analysis, Design, Configuration, Scripting, and Customization. Voyatek was also responsible for data conversion, implementation plan, and post-go-live support.