BAR Project
BAR Project
California Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) California Vehicle Inspection System (Cal-VIS) Project
Voyatek supports the Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) of the California Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) to provide Maintenance and Operation (M&O) services for the California Vehicle Inspection System (Cal-VIS) Project. Cal-VIS is a complex system that supports the California Smog Check Program established under chapter 5, Motor Vehicle Inspection Program of the California Health and Safety Code. The Smog Check Program includes enforcement, program restrictions, certificate ordering and payment, inspection results, station performance, and reporting.
Cal-VIS includes a centralized Vehicle Inspection Database (VID) as well as a network of applications, databases, and technical architecture environments needed to operate and control the Smog Check Program. A primary data center is located in Sacramento, California, and a secondary data center is located in southern California. Cal-VIS contains over 250 million Smog Check test records and adds 50,000 tests daily that are processed by approximately 8,000 privately owned Smog Inspection Stations.