Creating healthier, safer and more prosperous communities across New York City
Voyatek is proud to have partnered with New York City for more than a decade to deliver innovative solutions that improve service to the City’s businesses, employees, and residents. Voyatek is dedicated to delivering better outcomes for agencies in NYC and communities they serve.

Meet Richard Nessel, SVP, NYC Account Executive
Public Sector focused leader, with over 30 years of experience helping government organizations meet the needs of their clients and achieve their desired outcomes. Enabling clients to implement best practice innovations while successfully managing the challenges and constraints they face. Proven experience transforming and leading government programs, serving as a strategic partner to government leaders, and managing public sector consulting practices.

GSA Prime Contract Vehicle
IT Schedule 70 Special Item Number (SIN) 132-51, Information Technology EUC Solutions
- NYC SI Backdrop Contract
- ITCS contract
- SHI Requirements contract
- H+H contract